From fans to enemy-hooligans

Published by on november 14, 2014 at 4:09 e m

The media have reported that fans of soccer teams are behaving strangely. Violence is nothing new in soccer, but this time soccer fans are directing their anger against their own teams! Why? Because they don’t think their team is performing in the way they should, so they have transformed from fans to enemy-hooligans. I think we will see the same phenomena repeated for many brands; their fans will turn against them if they believe the brand is not delivering what it should. If brands don’t deliver or score goals of innovation, fans will simply revolt online and offline in shops and perhaps even in the headquarters. Why? Brand leadership means never standing still; always running for the next innovation or development. If fans of one brand experience other brands as being better, they will transform into enemy-hooligans and go against their own brand.
Brands that have seen this happen include MySpace, Ericsson and Levi’s. Apple could become one of them because Apple does not in my opinion understand how fast it must run its innovation when it has so many passionate fans. A predator company could certainly use this to its advantage.

Source: Sharkonomics.