Search Results for "apple"

Eurobest: Day 1: Apple, Coke, DraftFCB, Farfar and Volvo

Published by on december 1, 2008

Today was the Eurobest seminar start. There where more to cover than two eyes could cover, but sense I was there here are some of the best Eurobest think I did see and learn today. Advertising is moving and developing into entertainment. Why? Because of the world need positive message in hard times. After terror, nature collapse in the advertising community offering happiness online and offline.

Advertising is moving its business into Internet. Why? Agencies see that they don’t need to buy expensive media (like television and print), instead they can spend money on getting consumers to pull the brand out into the world wide web. This is the reason for why so many brands create their own media channels ore platform so they can talk directly with consumers (in an dialogue). A good example is The Absolut World. What ever I do in life I love to meet talent, and this world-class seminars are full of talented people from around the world, here is what Alix Pennycuick, Creative Director, Draftfcb did say about the above to me: You have to reward people to play with the brand.”

It was rewarded to talk and listen to Alix. Another speakers Jesper Andréasson from Absolut Vodka did say: We don’t want to be a fat and happy cat, we want to young and hungry. That sounds good but they are today develop into a bit an Absolut Stiff Brand Today – and stiff is as bad as fat (in both cases you lose your edge as a brand).

Best speaker of the day was: Jonathan Mildenhall, Vice President Global Marketing Strategy and Creative Communications, Coca-Cola. He pointed out that he likes to buy creativity from the best and it doesn’t need to be a big agency. Lukas Dohle, Global Interactive Campaign Manager, Volvo Car Corporation. Gave use a good picture of what’s behind the brand and how to drive successfully with online advertising. Apple did point out: ”we live in a digital world.” But Nicke Bergström from Farfar did show how to rule in that world with creative advertising. Farfar is the home of world-class talented people. I did ask Nicke how they get al this talented people to join their agency. The short version of his answer: We work with open doors for talent and we have fun when working together with clients we like to work with. And off course winning some awards as Eurobest do help to attract talent.

Erykah Badu + Apple = innovative live soul music

Published by on juni 27, 2008

erykah_badu_live.jpgErykah Badu would have made Steve Jobs dance al night in Stockholm at here concert last evening. Erica Abi Wright is more known as Erykah Badu that is here artist name. Last evening she was performing at Berns a place more like a castle, but she is the nr 1 soul queen so it was perfect. She is a bountiful artist that moves here art forward to a level that impossible for other artist to copy. The concert was one hour late but she gave one of the best concerts I ever seen and it was going on forever. I really don’t know why the band was so good (world class musicians). But they and Erykah did play on Apple computers. The way they was using Apple computers and showing the brand most mean that Erykah and Steve have been dancing al knight at least one time (maybe after his last key not speech).

Are soul fans flirtier?

I wont speculate in that. But Erykah was flirting with Internet the whole concert. She even sing a song about Internet and download, good job(e)  Steve Jobe. She posed for photos al evening and the so(u)ld out audience did take thousands of photos that today are spreading around at Internet and building the Word of mouth. My photo was taken with a mobile, so its not so good quality – but next time it has to be an iPhone I bring to the concert (think Steve will suggest that does how have an iPhone can stand in the front of the stage). Then I will do some iDance.

Apple Kills fan site Think Secret

Published by on december 27, 2007

Apple has more fans than some religions, still they don’t believe in their believers. And when the culture inside of Apple starts to become something else than the workers believe in they starts to spread facts to fan sites as Then it al sadly end up as headlines in as “Apple Kills Think Secret: Publisher Nick Ciarelli Talks.” Nick started to blog about his secret stories about Apple when he was only 13 years old.

For a time, Think Secret was one of the most successful of half-a-dozen Apple rumor sites. The site reported a string of high-profile scoops, consistently revealing details of Apple’s product plans all through the mid-2000s. But the site also got many things wrong, and missed several important products.

Did blog about the fact that the problem with having an Apple religion that is changing. And what effect this could have. Is Apple the only religion with a locked church?

Apple addicted?

Published by on november 25, 2007

Have you ever tested how addicted to Apple you are? Did find this on a dating site (I was looking for an Apple).

Ever fallen asleep with your iPod on? Do you plaster Apple stickers to anything that doesn’t move? Did you upgrade to Leopard within milliseconds of its release? Chances are you’re addicted to Apple. Test the Apple Quiz.

Apple is open there church with iPhone stories

Published by on oktober 24, 2007

Apple was more religion than products for a long time. Then they sort of become the big companies and closed their church but now they opening it for new market and believers.

If you’ve recently bought an iPhone, we’d love to hear your favorite story about using it. We’re all ears.

The tribe potential that they can deliver with iPhones connected with stories is like going from an Apple to a Watermelon.
Thanks to Daniel Hjelmtorp for sending this link.

How the product could be its own spokesman (Nokia & Apple)

Published by on september 1, 2007


A simple, yet often forgotten fact is that the product is its own spokesman. The product is the marketing component that comes closest to the target group. All too often, the product development and marketing departments are worlds apart.

Apple: Read more. Download projector prototypes (PDF)

Nokia: Read more. Download mobile prototypes (PDF)

Illustration by Joachim Nordwall

iPhone me Steve Jobs ore sell Apple to Google

Published by on juni 28, 2007

Humble words about iPhone from a humble Swede…
iPhone me Steve Jobs

How Apple could grow, brick by brick

Published by on augusti 11, 2006

A company that has managed to make the product its spokesman is Apple. The company’s computers replaced the square, grey, box that was once mandatory for all computers with unique modern design and vibrant colours. The computers gave consumers personality and colour. In return, consumers gave Apple enthusiastic fans. I have had an Apple since the Mac Plus in the 80’s. I’ve always wondered why most of Apple’s best advertising addresses people who’ve been using the product for a long time rather than to first time users? Can a product be superior without succeeding? My laptop is attracting admiring looks as I write this sitting at a cafe. This product creates story-telling. Apple’s Macintosh has what many consider a superior operating system, superior hardware, superior design and a brand image that is practically an icon. Yet, Apple has never managed to capture more than 5-10% of the PC market. Why?

Seth Godin is pointing out a “brick by brick” solution on his blog today:

“If you are swinging for the fences all the time, looking for one, you might end up striking out a lot. Bricks, on the other hand, are the way most industries are won.” Seth Godin

I have seen a switcher in real life. One of my friends who was a PC lover and an Apple hater, bought an iPod (a good switcher product). He was so taken with the product that he later bought an Apple computer as well. I couldn’t resist sending him a basket of fresh apples.

Apple could broaden its business even more than with just the iPod. Dell is expanding into all sorts of business areas with great success and Apple could do the same or better. In every home, a switch is imminent from the old boxes we called TV’s to new digital technology. The home TV market is changing and the time is right for Apple to take a share of that market. Millions of people already have home cinema equipment (DVD, surround sound), but the big screen projection is not particularly impressive.
How can brands sell their offer brick by brick ore as a switcher product?

ONE in Japan –

Published by on juni 28, 2006

Thanks to Isamu Sanada for being ONE with my book and charring great photos at

I do hope that we meet ONE day! And that Apple contact you soon…

"Apple are not extremely good at design, they only have bad competition"

Published by on april 10, 2006

Read more about design and ONE in this article I wrote for the Nordic Design Blog.

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