We are LondONErs
We are ONE they say and they mean it to. It could not been more ONE, and first when I did see “We are LondONErs” al the most of the billboards in London I thought it was for my book…but it is the Goverment London doing ONE and that is even better.
“Who are the seven million Londoners who live in this city? They cover a huge range of nationalities, cultures and faiths. The story of London is told in its people, so find out more on these pages about who we are and what we do.” Greater London Authority
It is the Mayor of London that doing this ONE campaign. They would like to now how London can be ONE of the most diverse cities in the world by emailing them direct at onelondon@london.gov.uk
London is a good start but when will the rest of the world become ONE?