Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 6 December 2012

Published by on december 6, 2012 at 11:44 f m

1. Tablet War Week: Will look small if Facebook jumps in the water
2. 6 Ways Apple Becomes Prey for Sharks
3. The Sharkonomics tour whetted American appetites
4. Alexander Osterwalder and Sharkonomics at IRMs conference: Business Model innovation 2012
5. Interviewing Weta Digital crew member Victor Huang
6. Theatre vs. Organic food: Flowers from my Mother’s Garden
7. Obama please elect the American people to be their own president
8. How Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web by cracking the code: Not invented here!
9. 4 Leadership Principles of Sharks
10. 10 points for smaller sharks for attack and defence