Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 12 November 2019

Published by on november 12, 2019 at 11:27 f m

1. Free download: ”Sharkonomics 2” before the book is released

2. KISS as the opening band for the ”Sharkonomics 2” book launch

3. Video: You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

4. Marshall Goldsmith has recommended my book to his 2 million fans around the world!

5. Call to action: Homo Stupido at Publishizer (video)

6. From E-Commerce to Word-Commerce

7. Millennials will adopt to workspace as popcorn

8. Book release of ”Sharkonomics 2” at KTH the 19 November

9. Second edition of Complex Chinese Sharkonomics is out now

10. Many of the old organizations will die soon (if they haven’t died already)