READ my ONE book for FREE – for PEACE!

Published by on mars 29, 2022 at 10:35 f m

Not in a million years did I think that my book, ONE, could inspire peace. But readers have told me that the book can lead to a better understanding of people and society (which can end wars). 

I originally wrote the book to start a consumer revolution. And today it is consumers, through social media, who are demanding nations to end wars. I have thought about updating the book, but now I realize that the content could be the DNA for change and to build a better future on. So the thing I have changed is adding the word “peace” to the title: ONE: A Consumer Revolution for Peace.

In order to inspire peace, I want to give the whole book away for free. My humble hope is that its DNA will inspire and build a revolution for peace, so that one day soon we can be ONE WORLD!
Download the ONE book for free here (PDF).