Cracking the Indian consumer code

Published by on mars 29, 2008 at 8:02 f m

india_2_0_logo.jpgI do have the honor to be the moderator at the first seminar about the Indian consumers, in 080407 Stockholm/Sweden:

Within a generation India will become a nation of upwardly mobile middle class households, consuming goods ranging from high end cars to designer clothing. In two decades it said to surpass Germany as the world’s fifth largest consumer market. Companies that fail to understand the unique tastes and desires of the new Indian con¬sumer will miss out on a half billion strong market. So who are these Indian consumers? What are their tastes and desires? How do Swedish companies brand and market in India? How do Swedish companies communicate with an Indian consumer? Come and gain some interesting insights and outlooks on how to tap into this large growing market in India.
Download the program here in 7 pages in PDF (1 MB).