Chris Anderson: the Free book

Published by on augusti 16, 2010 at 1:08 e m

I read Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson. After attending Chris’s lecture on the topic of free I understood that it is a sensitive topic to talk about. It seems that money is the religion of capitalism. Or as Chris points it out in his book: “Free is not quite as simple–or as destructive–as it sounds.”

Here are some of my favorite points from the Free book:
• …with trust comes traffic.
• When you have no money, $0.00 is a very good price.
• Free may be the best price, but it can’t be the only one.
• Bits want to be free.
• Free is just a matter of when, not if.
• Sooner or later you will compete with free.

Chris is a big thinker and he refers to others such as Abraham Maslow and Adam Smith which makes Chris’s perspective richer and deeper (free sources for his book).

In the book Chris points out the value of attention and reputation – he has a lot of both because of his track-record of work (more to come).