Search Results for "Shitvertising"

Love Boat commercial video feeds anti Shitvertising

Published by on februari 14, 2013

4.000 passengers sharing five toilets in a panic situation, is not an fun situation its a misery. Right now on the Carnival Triumph boat are 4.000 passengers communicating with friends by social media and media (CNN, ABC, DN etc). This opportunity did not the passengers on Titanic had – also they did not had the privilege to watch this witty animated commercial for the trip on YouTube:

Watch this fun video and listen to the sales pitch with classical quotes:

Build to make you smiling!

Give it al you got!

You can not have to many oohs and as.

This night is yours.

Sleep with a smile.

One more amazing stay in paradise.

Dream it up, in paradise.

Don’t get to comfortable!

This will commercial for the love boat can feed anti Shitvertising. There may be only with five toilets onboard but online are there are many more places to let go of criticism that can sink any brand in the world.

Chinese Shitvertising

Published by on december 8, 2007

chinese_ass_piss.jpgDid blog about the idea of Shitvertising, it is a global concept that now is to billboards in China.

This campaign for the Chinese Greenfamily Youth Association of Environment Protection brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “squat and squirt.

Swedish Shitvertising for Life Earth

Published by on november 2, 2007

Did blogg about an idea concept I called Shitvertising. The concept is now coming out of cows.

Don’t watch this video if you are sensitive! This commercial is for Life Earth and are done by the director Johan Renck (he have been working with Madonna & H&M – don’t think she is in this commercial).

From Thoughtvertising to Shitvertising

Published by on maj 31, 2007

Thoughtvertising is when companies pay consumers to think of there company for a day.

“For a $10,000 US slice of the advertising budget, Floyd Hayes will think really hard about your brand each hour for one week.” The Vancouver Sun

Thoughtvertising is for shore the more fun part of what others call guerilla marketing (there is now holy parts of the market with in guerilla warfare). Why not then also pay consumers $10,000 US to think of their competitors in the toilet (when they deliver sxxx). I like to call it Shitvertising.

Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 23 April 2013

Published by on april 23, 2013

1. Why trendspotters should play table tennis
2. Love Boat commercial video feeds anti Shitvertising
3. Theatre vs. Organic food: Flowers from my Mother’s Garden
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5. 2 of the 33 best tech entrepreneurs in Sweden
6. Apple growth slows
7. Why Microsoft was forced to improve its defense skills
8. Chew on an superb book review of Sharkonomics in Bizsugar
9. The Sharkonomics tour whetted American appetites
10. Tablet War Week: Will look small if Facebook jumps in the water

Top 10 Posts

Published by on augusti 25, 2007

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