Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 14 December 2015

Published by on december 14, 2015 at 11:10 f m

1. AppleCurrency with Steve Jobs on the coin
2. I hope it will rain peace over Paris
3. An idea that can increse US tourism with 30-50%
4. Kingston: Mind the Gap: In an romantic video
5. Sharkonomics jumps into McPlay: A new E-learning platform based on video for Marketing directors
6. My ONE book was not only about business it was a recipe for ONE world!
7. 600 car dealers in standing ovation
8. @jackyan: Think Ikea’s foray into fashion was a novel idea? #ikeafashion
9. People always think I’m crazy. And then it happens
10. Mighty Accenture turns to sharks for success